Valentines day - Viewers Discretion is Advised

I am a sole believer in Pan- Africanism so embracing European festivals is not something I'm fond of. Birthdays, Christmas, Christopher Columbus Day, Valentines Day, are No No's for me. Easter I've recently discovered is a pagan holiday as well to commemorate the Egyptian goddess Esther( still researching) ; I mean come on Europe, how can you guys claim Christianity as your religion, and every single holiday you guys acknowledge is against God and bad news for atheist if you are celebrating Valentines today you're acknowledging some spiritual entity; Ha Ha :-).

I've built myself up these last few years on pan-African ideologies and so I have to question everything that came from Rome/Europe, I just have to, even mothers day I'm sceptical about. I'm not going to go deep but I will say that appreciation of any kind should be shown daily to  the people you love or hold to your heart. Don't get consume on society ideologies, it's a game. I'm not judging anyone because I once was blind to until Morpheus(Marcus Garvey) gave me the red pill, lol, I won't bash my brothers and sister for they know not what they do.

How many people have giftless and moneyless Christmas each year ; is this what God really wants ? We celebrate the genocide of millions of native Indians and black people on Christopher Columbus Day: is this humanity? ...Birthdays was on celebrated twice in the bible and on the two occasion it was celebrated by ungodly men: why do you celebrate birthdays again ? because no where in the bible i read Jesus blew out candles and ate your research...Valentines Day well just watch the video below:

Be Safe, Be Bless, One Love


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