Lost in my thoughts,
Lost thoughts roaming down memory lane,
Judging by memory I'm surprised you remembered my name,
Was it the million conversations or the phone hang up games?,
Bridge still burning I'm inhaling the flames,
Tired of games, I swear I'm heading for change,
For these hundred dollars bills since money isn't happiness,
I'm cashing mines in for a bottle of emotions,
Drink it all down, Just drink it all down,
Until the bottle is someone I can relate to,
Maybe I'm to honest because the feeling wasn't there,
Trapped in a maze of the emotions I done gave,
To people who didn't deserve it, I should have made them paid,
Payday Fridays, Recovering Saturdays, Resting My Sundays and Mourning My Mondays,
Weekends are predictable, No more dating, the actions became predictable,
Prevent the action before the action is prevented,
So I'm sitting at this dinner table writing a note,
Dining alone to any eye that looks,
But I'm never alone by any women that looks,
Infatuation is a sin, fornication before initiation,
Bottle is all empty now the emotions are all in me,
So I'm writing them down, waiter passed me the bill,
Tipped under the glass, for appreciation,
I appreciate you for a lifetime,
Now it's time to go buy time,
Bye time, By the time, this is read,
I'll be in first class, cloud 9, best you ever had,
I'll be in first class, cloud 9, best you ever had!
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