The Best Is Yet To Come

I have a smile on my face right now because I know where my drive comes from, I know where my resiliency and determination comes from; they say behind every great man is a great women. I'm grateful to have my mother as that woman, talk about ride or die; here's a lady who didn't hang her head down low when I walk through her doors a failure 6 years ago. Talk about strength, here's a woman whose story should be documented because of what she overcame to be where she is today; her story too personal to mention but it's inspiring. 

In any situation you find yourself,  no matter how good it may be always believe that the best is yet to come - My Mom  

This statement is usually used when things are going bad, but this woman has the audacity *sarcasm* to flip it back on me and say when things are going good, the best is yet to come, basically she is saying even in the best of times keep aiming higher, as long as you have breathe keep pushing beyond your limits. At my best I thought it was the best I can do, but she reminded me that my best isn't really my best and that I can push myself even harder to be greater.

Last week honestly was probably the toughest week of the past 6 years; I mentally overloaded and thought every negative thought possible, so powerful, she felt my negative energy from over 4000 miles away and message me when I was going through it like " Are you okay son, I can't stop thinking about you" I wasn't and I told her. I had hit a wall ,finally, after the years I've been having, I finally felt human again. But these experiences are normal, I call them "Growing Pains"which is actually the name of my second book I will be writing over the coming years. So yeah, I'm basically rebuilding my mind again, and that quote was so spot on. I have the Daniel Fast starting next week and I plan to reestablish myself through that fast. I will share more details on the Daniel Fast this coming week..

I now know I have new levels to achieve and what I thought was the best was just me settling for that,  when great was out there waiting for me all this time. I'm coming..

Thanks Mom :-)

Be Safe,Be Bless, Prayer!!
  Signing Out..........



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