Battling University :-O

This is basically my thought process when I get to a psychology class and get lost during the lecture because of my high tendency to daydream. Enjoy!!

Lecturer : *Talks about topic I'm not interested in*

Me: *stares at him nodding my head as though I totally understand what he is saying*

Thoughts: Why am I wasting my life here, this doesn't even make sense, I wonder if he's confident saying this ignorance that's coming out of his mouth

Me: *snaps out of the daydream and laughs along with the class at God knows what*

Lecturer: *stares at me with this "i know you don't want to be here look because I don't want to be here either look, than smiles*

Me: * looks with fake enthusiasm*
Thoughts : Dude I know your pain, all those years in doctorate school for this crap, sad doc, really sad  -_-

Me: *when will this class be over*

Lecturer : * When will my life be over*

Lecturer and My Thoughts : * looks out window at the same time* Father do you hear me ?

Based on a True Story, haha

Have a good one!!!



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