I Will Become A Speaker

                I believe in the will to succeed, back in 2010 I wrote down what I wanted the next ten years of my life to be, what I wanted to accomplish, I highlighted all my strengths and weaknesses and I still have that paper with me; 3 pages to how I was going to change my life.

               You have to begin to speak things into existence, if you want to better your life and if you don't speak it, at least write it down somewhere, and, if your memory is as good as mines, you probably don't have to be reminded everyday on your goals. Goals setting is something I've been doing for over a decade, since high school, and it honestly works; it's like the universe responds to you once you tell it " This is what I passionately want" now it doesn't always come the way you want it to come but it will happen; PATIENCE. 

           Patience is a virtue, you have to have it when you are chasing your dreams or going after something you really want. Think about the patience Moses had tracking around the desert for 40 years; amazing patience and you wonder why God chose him. You have to develop your patience, your endurance, your stamina because this journey is not for the swift ( Ecclesiastes 9:11 The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.) Work on this aspect.

          Yes I will become speaker because I love sharing the knowledge I've acquired, I love helping people to better themselves and there lives and it's something I will based my life on. I speak that over my life and I will watch God create the opportunities for me to become one. To serve humanity should be the ultimate goal in life not cars, a job or money, those things are temporary but we are forever even beyond death, the human race will EXIST; just in another form. With this being said I offer my service to this world, to life, to mankind. I want to be a " SPEAKER".

Have a bless Day !!!!


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