What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger
One of my mentors just sent me this photo and it made me think about all the problems and difficulties I encountered in my last job. In my mind I'm like " I made it through" can't believe I actually got through it and kept my sanity lol but seriously I'm sure most of us at one point of our lives had a job that drained the living life out of us; shout out to the conquerors . Today is a celebration, I'm free from that place and it didn't come easy.
Walking by faith and not by sight, you have to see yourself already out of that job, doing what you want to do and then work towards the vision. The first step starts with the vision, you have to work on your visionary process and listen for the Universe. Yes your vision must be confirmed by the Universe so that you know God is supportting it.
Vision must exist before the action; you have to dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to envisioning the life you want to live. You have to meditate on it; there's no coincidence that mediation is taught in all religions, this is a very important aspect of life; probably the most important, you must give your life a sense of direction, a sense of belonging to this world and having a vision does that. Learn how to envision your vision!!
Affirmations come after you have envisioned the right dream but you must quiet your mind in order to realize that you are getting the affirmation; limit distractions. Let's say you want to be an engineer, you already have the vision, see the school you are in and know all the courses required and you know all of this because you've envisioned everything about becoming an engineer. Here's how an affirmation may occur; you are walking down the road and you see a poster that says " Free Engineer Workshop hosted by TeAndra Thomas" who is one the best engineers in the world. This is an affirmation; this is giving you a chance to experience the vision you have for a life. Affirmations comes in all shapes and sizes; even your children can affirm your vision but you have to silence your mind.
I know I strayed away from the topic of what hurts you today makes you stronger tomorrow but I felt the need to give you insight on how to live the life you want to ensure that you do become stronger tomorrow.
Until next time!!!!
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