Watch What You Say!!
I am a lover of Chinese culture, it's so rich and well maintained, lol I'm getting chills just writing about it now. China is definitely on my bucket list; who wants to join me on this awesome journey ? Okay moving on, this quote is one of my favorites from Lao Tzu(Google Him), a philosopher and poet of ancient China; he has a lot of interesting quotes worth thinking on but today I will mediated of this particular one here.
It is said that the first 20 minutes of your day is the most important time of the day which is why most religions indulged in early morning worship. It's when the brain is rebooting or putting together its thought process. What you put into your mind during this rebooting stage, determines how the rest of your day is going to go. For me personally, my morning routine is prayer, bible verse and a motivational speech or sermon. It gets me really pumped up for the day. If you are going to live the life you always wanted to live than you will need a morning routine; like i said earlier most religions incorporate a morning ritual because it's the highest honor to God to know that he's the first thought during the mind's reboot stage of the day; this is no coincidence at all but more of showing honor and love to God.
If you follow the chain of this quote above, ultimately your thoughts leads to your destiny, interesting, so, what you dwell on mentally the most, ultimately becomes what you will be for the rest of your life. Now we are starting to see how important your morning routine is. People you have to develop a positive and self improving thought process if you are going to live a better life. Remember your thoughts during the first 20 minute of your day becomes the rest of your day so it's vital to establish that morning routine.
I would love to speak more on this but I have to go, it's definitely been a pleasure, please feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Have a great day !!!!
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