Finding My Balance Again

I am badly off my groove right now, and I need to get back in it. The first quarter of the year is over and I am happy at the rate that I am moving at, however, I still have a lot of personal work to do. This second quarter is very important to me because if it doesn't go my way well....yeah. Through it all though, I thank God for the opportunities he is about to provide for me, there is no doubt of his presence in my life and I appreciate the support he has for me and my vision in which could be his vision for my life. I know exactly where I need to be and how I need to get there but of course the journey itself is totally up to him. Only God knows the lessons I need to fully mature into the adult I need to be for my dreams to truly mean something to me so I put my faith and trust in his words.

My balance is always found in my silence so I know what I will be doing to rebalance so that I am ready for this second quarter. Silence is the only way God is able to talk to me and so I practice silencing my thoughts and being conscious of my surroundings to hear what messages he has for me. On a positive note I've already completed some goals on my goals list for 2016 and now it's time to lock and load on a few more. It's about to go down !!

I notice my blog is still being read during my absence and I am indeed grateful for the support and will be  back with a lot of cool stuff later on this week and for the rest of the month.

Be Bless, Be Safe, One Love!!



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