My Experience With Fasting

Three years ago, the man who I now consider one of my mentors introduced me to fasting. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to challenge myself and so I saw fasting as a new challenge. My first ever fast was the Daniel Fast which lasts about 21 days but I only made it to 20 days. Yeah I know how could you fail just one day away from completing your first spiritual fast? I visited my mom that weekend and you know how mom's cooking goes, that aroma brings back memories :) . Despite my short comings I walked away from that experience with something. "Whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish it" sort of mentality. That fast gave me so much confidence that year and I went on to start Open Thought which transformed my life and the people around me lives forever. I always wanted to be a part of something that would transform humanity, something that would last generation after generation and to be a founder of something like that is so inspiring. When I finish sc...