Leonardo "Leo" Tomiko Lightbourne is Founder of the Open Thought Media Outlet, which is a non-profit organization created for youth development in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Faced with poor judgment from his own peers as a child, Leo believed creating Open Thought would be a starting point for people to gain acceptance of each other. A part from his work with Open Thought, Leo is an activist, blogger, thinker, speaker, humanitarian, and life advisor who believes the solutions to the problems humanity is facing lies within historical study, proper communication and spiritual reconnection(African Origins).
He is passionate about problem-solving, collaboration and engaging young people in fighting the common threats of their environment such as violence, poverty, and abuse. Leo shares his vision of a united community that uses love, open-thinking, and commitment to make a difference. Weaving a tapestry of his lifetime of experience, Leo plans to inspire youth with his personal story and lessons learned about personal development, leadership, and the power of using open-thinking to live a more fulfilling life.
He blogs by the name Chale X. Chale is a Ghanaian word meaning friend and X is used in the same context Malcom X used his X in which represents the unknown name of his African ancestors and their culture that had been lost during slavery.
Here on this blog Leo shares his journey of enlightment and his progress of becoming one of the Greatest to ever live.
“The Open Thought philosophy has been around for centuries; all we did was awaken the sleeping giant. If this philosophy is practiced by mankind; world peace would be achieved instantly.” –Leo Lightbourne
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