Grass Ain’t Greener....

Life is what you make! For the past 5 years I've accomplished numerous of goals and after each one I was convinced that the other one would bring me the happiness I wanted. You can basically say I was on this "Pursuit of Happiness". My last attempt to pursue something took me out of my comfort zone into a country I was unfamiliar with. J Cole once said "There's no such thing as a life that's better than yours" and I've grown to understand each line of that song. After years of chasing after goals, it hit me that the only thing I needed in this lifetime is the love of my family. Listen to me I've met thousands of rich people and I can tell you that money does not make you happy. It solves a lot of problems that can cause discomfort without it but happiness, well, happiness does not have a price. 

Do I want to be rich?  who doesn't want to live life on their terms but my riches does not define me, what defines me is the impact I am able to leave on my family, friends and world on a daily basis.  

The grass is not greener on the other side if what you are looking for is happiness from accomplishments and accolades. What you will find is that after 2-3 weeks, you will be aiming for another goal, then another goal, then another goal. It doesn't stop, it's greedy "The Mind". You have to tell it "look I am done, those awards mean nothing to me, I just want to be with the people who truly care about me"

At this point in my life, I just want to focus o helping people now. I don't care about receiving any more accolades and accomplishments I am done. I just want to be with my family!

Chale X


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