
Showing posts from January, 2016

Introducing Project One Million

A Voice is what changes the world everyday, you take away the freedom of speech from a people, you practically enslave those people. I'm now living in a society that is losing hope because of their belief in old ideologies that do not same to be working anymore. The old "hard work pays off " philosophy has only seen few people collect reasonable paychecks. It doesn't work, I'm sorry, this is the rat race, people are waking up earlier and going to sleep much later then anytime in history; can't you see the lies, we are killing oursleves. We have now become a generation sold to the materialistic belief of the world and this is a problem.  You guys must love my intros :-)!!! Anyway, moving forward, today I'm proud to announce my team's new project, "Project One Million" . I'm excited about this because we take everything we've learnt these past two years and put it towards an aggressive action to change. Not only will this project...

Believing in the Unknown

Do you see what the world is becoming ? War? Money? Governments? Diseases? As a child my grandmother would utter the words "You are apart of the last generation" and she would say this every time she heard something that was unethical or immoral to her beliefs. Now I'm starting to believe in what she was saying. I'm starting to see that I'm living amongst heartless, sinister savages whose only ambition is monetary and social gains. I can't live like this, this isn't human, this isn't life, this isn't right!!! Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and other manufacturers accused by Amnesty International of using rare minerals mined by child labourers in their smart phones.Child labourers as young as 7 years old being paid 1 dollar a day; and yet we say we live in a better world; the technological era WOW(sarcasm)!!.The most destructive generation to ever walk this Earth is what we are!!!!!!  How is it better when your luxury(phones,clothes and shoes) is...

The Vision : The Journey to Change


Hiding A Sacred Gift

At one point in my life, I thought my intellect was some sort of curse. I really didn't like the fact that I was so smart, especially me being a guy and all. Being a smart black man just didn't seem cool, credit this way of thinking to white supremacy. I suppressed my real intellect all the time, for 21 years of my life that is. Yes for 21 years I told myself that I didn't want the world to see me for who I was. I was a super intelligent guy who over came every childhood obstacle  using psychological tactics. *lol* I laugh now because I actually know the word for it. Advance reverse psychology, behaviour anticipation and emotional intelligence came natural to me. For 3 years in elementary school I was bullied, I overcame that by feeding the guys who picked on me. I wouldn't do it in a desperate way either. I would be like, " I'm not hungry today, you guys can have that ", bare in mind I was chubby at that age. You know how the saying goes, food is the wa...

Life; The Constant Pursuit of Happiness ?

  I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold, hey I'll be fine once I get it, yeah I'll be good. x2 Life is different for everybody, you know, we all have this missing puzzle piece that we are trying to fit in with the world. I can't compare my life or journey to anybodys' life or journey because we are all different in our unique ways. Why else would we have different finger prints; we are, by design, unique beings. I've always practiced listening more than talking because, I always want to hear how people are handling their pursuit . Kid Cudi calls it  the pursuit for happiness, others call it life. I love how Kid Cudi puts it though, he says " I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold, hey I'll be fine once I get it". We constantly walk into situations believing we have arrived or, this is for me or, I'm successful but, once we adapt to that particular...

Michael Eugene Misick - Legend or Bust ?

Image Throughout my high school career I spent my days raving about me exceeding what this man did, I wanted to outdo him in every way possible. Yes I was a big fan of Michael, and wanted him to mentor me into leadership one day. What I am saying is at one point, well, throughout most of my teenage years, I dreamt about running for Premier and taking Turks and Caicos to that next level. What went wrong ? I grew up , that's what went right, I saw a political system that destroyed more than it created, I wanted no part of that, as a matter of fact, today I work solely to destroy that system. I have no hard criticism for Michael, I pray he wins his case; he acted within his mental capicity, meaning he only did what he percieved at that time was right; due to Turks Islanders lacking exposure, many in Mike's position would had done the same things he did, maybe worst so I have no criticism for the mistakes he made. Mike aggresively preached growt...


Ever Since I move to the United Kingdom, I've notice big changes in the way food taste. To be completely honest people, I thought it was because British people couldn't cook, I mean I've heard the rumours but it has nothing to do with these people cooking skills at all.  To all my British folks out there, it's all love but visit the Caribbean and you will see the difference, it's to big to ignore. Something is not right about the food in this country, and I have friends who are consciously aware of it as well, as a matter of fact a friend is the one who brought this to reality when all I did was think on it. Talk about "Law of Attraction"!!! Jas a French friend of mine gave  me peep game on a Government, Corporate funded billionaire  company called Monsanto. The video above and below will shed a little light on who they are but people you need to do your research, what you don't know can kill you. Listen after this one, I think I'm going vegan,...

Why Americans are Against War on Syria


My New Years Redemption

This will be the year I face my demons, my karma, my past, my regrets, myself; I plan to correct my wrongs this year, if possible. You can either run from the past or learn from it. What defines a man is his actions after he faces adversity, in the midst of that adversity a real man rises, he becomes a hero for those who believes and believed in him.  There are two forces that govern this world; light and darkness and if we cannot find the balance within these forces, surely misery shall be our most faithful companion. Balance ? have I found it ? NO, but I'm getting there. You have to live with the decisions you make, no matter how hard they are and the consequences, bad decisions can bring about a positive outcome and good decisions can bring about negative outcome. That's just how life finds balance. I am HUMAN, I make mistake, I have regrets, I bleed, I cry, I feel pain. It's the pain I feel in others that propels me daily, I see no gain in accumulating wealth when...