Why you should pray!!!

There's no better feeling in the world when you find someone who understands your whole entire being. I think people who are madly in love can relate to this feeling; it puts you in state of blissfulness.What I'm referring to is my conversation with the creator who goes by many names but I will call in the Most High.

Living at the speed in which modern society lives; one can easily feel unappreciated, not valued, not loved, no attachment. It's a horrible feeling trying to get the someone to understand who are especially someone who you care about. To be really honest with you I don't think no one will ever understand who you are ,so stop trying!!. I know it's feels horrible to be misunderstood but it's feels even worst being someone who you are truly not. My conversations with the Most High is not about being understood by the world but being appreciated for my gift by this world.

People misconceptions of you; do not define you; the choices you make do. You did not have to visit this blog but you did that's you choice; that's who you are, you created this opportunity for personal growth by making this choice.

You must think, how does this relate to praying and why should i pray ?

Prayer is the most powerful thing we possess as human beings; utilizing your natural ability to penetrate the spiritual world through deep concentration displays your true power as a spiritual being. Think about this.. Can you go to Microsoft everyday and talk to it's creator or founder about personal issues ? The furthest you will get is to his secretary. Our creator grants you unlimited excess; amazing thinking about it. You can always talk to the person who is in charge of everything around you and you can talk to him about everything because he knows everything. Plus he understands you 100 percent!! Awesome feeling :) So yes pray, if you are not seeing changes then come see me, I can help you.

Well that's all for now, definitely check out my tabs above, it's been a pleasure.

Have a wonderful Day !!!


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