
Showing posts from April, 2017


Dr. Ross says "Your job is to use the power of what happened to you to transform" After watching Dr. Ross’ presentation one of the questions all concerned, compassionate Turks Islanders should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, “What real substantial changes in our society’s attitude and laws need to occur to prevent Child Abuse and Neglect that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry, unp redictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults as a result of experiencing the emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?” Over the past few months I've observed the spike in crime within our community and though I am somewhat impressed by the recommendations that have been suggested to combat crime, I still believe "Prevention is cure". There are numerous amounts of studies that report most criminals experiencing some sort of childhood trauma that propels them to ...

Making Progress On New Year's Resolution

How do I make progress this year ? 1. Tackling the biggest misconception about new year's resolutions(NYR) - It does not have to start at the beginning of the year. Most people begin the year believing that change must be made instantly. It does not work like that. Change just like anything in the world that is worth having, takes time. Change is like a seed, you plant it, water it and make sure it is getting exposure to sunlight. By doing those things, you have made an effort and the rest is up to the universe to decide whether you are ready for a new plant(change) in your life. The universe gives us what we are ready for and it always comes at the right time.  2. What if my NYR is finding Love ? - The seed you plant for love is a seed you plant inside of yourself. A seed of personal growth; you must become the person you want to fall in love with and that takes time. We hold on to our beliefs on how life should turn out and honestly life should not be shaped by such expec...

An Afro-Caribbean's Journey

I found this picture above and I felt like someone was speaking directly to me. Have you ever read anything and was like "wow, this was the answer or inspiration I needed ?". Well, that's how I felt reading this picture above. When the slaves were freed in the Caribbean we were not given much and our ancestors did not have access to resources to educate themselves on how to survive without the aid of their masters. This resulted in years of financial and relationship struggles for the slaves and their descendants. From an evolutionary perspective, a female seeks a male who is capable of acquiring and maintaining resources. If a male does not have the abilities to do so he will not maintain healthy relationships with females. The reason why females do this is to ensure that their offspring can be taken care of for a long period of time. Now back to the point I was making, with no access to resources or proper education, the slaves who were freed in the Caribbean were lef...