Making Progress On New Year's Resolution

How do I make progress this year ?

1. Tackling the biggest misconception about new year's resolutions(NYR) - It does not have to start at the beginning of the year. Most people begin the year believing that change must be made instantly. It does not work like that. Change just like anything in the world that is worth having, takes time. Change is like a seed, you plant it, water it and make sure it is getting exposure to sunlight. By doing those things, you have made an effort and the rest is up to the universe to decide whether you are ready for a new plant(change) in your life. The universe gives us what we are ready for and it always comes at the right time. 

2. What if my NYR is finding Love ? - The seed you plant for love is a seed you plant inside of yourself. A seed of personal growth; you must become the person you want to fall in love with and that takes time. We hold on to our beliefs on how life should turn out and honestly life should not be shaped by such expectations, it should be lived spontaneously, embracing each moment as an grand opportunity to grow in a new direction that takes you closer to your true love. That means you may spend your whole life searching for true love, searching for you. Each year improve your character, improve your lifestyle and improve your personality. If you do this , new people will enter you life while old people walk out. It's called personal growth!

3. How do I make progress this year?- The minute you clicked  on this blog and read to this point, progress was made. Live in the moment and understand that you are always evolving by each day that passes. Your body learns to adapt to the new chemicals in food and changes in Oxygen levels in the air. Human beings are amazing creatures. What I am basically saying is "you are always progressing"and even when you think progress isn't being made, it is being made. Always approach your goals through the mind of a baby, first by trying to make sense of them, then crawling , eventually talking about them which leads to walking in the right direction, thus accomplishing them. 

Truth is, your life is always going in the direction it's suppose to go, so don't ever think you are not progressing. Plant your seeds, water them and allow the universe to be in control of your destiny like it always have. Don't try to control life , allow life to control you and embrace it. Live in the moment for this moment is all we will ever have, the past is gone and the future never comes, all we have is this moment, embrace it.

Good Luck on your goals this year and the progress you've made thus far.

Chale X 


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