Buckingham Baron !!!

There are so many things I'm working on right now but one of the things I am proud of is making my university's basketball team. When I first got to Buckingham, I met a fresher like myself at the time who wanted to restart the school's basketball club. I encouraged him and told him if he does I would join. Now honestly at the time, I just thought he was talking for talking sakes, I didn't anticipate him actually starting the club. The club launched officially in January and here I am today. Played my first game as a Buckingham Baron, and it felt great plus we won which was icing on the cake.

I know what starting something from the ground is like and for him to mentally endure obstacles for this vision inspires me. What's even more inspirational is that I actually encouraged him and supported him to this stage.I write this blog to say when someone comes to you with an idea don't brush it off, of course, it sounds impossible at first but don't brush it off. Encourage them and offer the support because you never know where that person will end up in the future.

For the record, I did work my way to earning my spot on the team, being yelled at countless times, not feeling confident and learning how to play structured basketball has been hard. I thought I was done with stuff but here comes life telling me nope, still have a lot to learn young grasshopper. Since I am not the best on the court, I find myself working the hardest to keep up, it's funny, I never thought I would be in an area where I couldn't be considered one of the best but it's all a learning experience. Open minded attitude always!

Be Safe, Be Bless, On Love.



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